Order progress

Project Settings

Production and introduction of new products to job order manufacture is performed in several stages. At the beginning, there is a request (setting) from the client, his idea, drawings, product sample or development department setting. Based on materials supplied, our designers prepare – in co-operation with our technicians in development department – a virtual 3D model of the product.

The model includes requirements of the client or it possibly contains several variants of solutions for most of the aspects of the future product, like material used, surface, surface treatment, etc.

When developing products, our employees concentrate mainly on product functionality, product design and its final price.


The stage of price calculation processing follows the technical specification approval by the client. The project calculation includes direct and indirect costs connected with required product preparation, in compliance with standard procedures of the company MIVOKOR s.r.o. If the client requires sample production and testing, it is also included in the calculation. The sales expert processes an offer to be presented to the client.


In case of the client to accept the price offer, the construction department starts to prepare materials for production.

Designers use the Autodesk Inventor program for drawing the 3D final model of the product and they prepare the product documentation.

Then, our development department manufactures the first functional prototype and it is tested according to client’s requirements for functionality, durability and possible loads.

If it is product from product line of interior equipment, the products are tested in salt bath and their functionality is consulted with the main purchasers.

In case of supply of technological units, there are standardly manufactured several samples. The samples are provided o the client for testing directly in his operation conditions.


After the product fulfilled all and any requirements, the final part of manufacture process starts. The last change proposals are included into the drawing documentation and production tools are prepared. Consequently, the product manufacture starts.


Manufactured products are supplied to our central warehouse respectively they are forwarded to the client. Natural features of our supplies:

  • complex supply of products including possible accessories
  • the products are offered in the form of a complete set, including product marking and possibly even including accessories supplied by the client
  • transport of products to the client
  • we arrange transport of our product to the clients using our own transport means in categories of 1,5 MT, 3 MT, 6 MT, 12 MT and 24 MT.
  • distribution of products into individual plants
  • fixed-term deliveries of our products to locations specified by the client.


Warehousing of products for the client in our own warehousing premises.


Assemblage of products supplied by us at the client, with the possibility of individual forwarding.

Do not hesitate to contact us with a no-obligation inquiry!

+420 567 571 020-1

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